How can you tell if your tempering line is working to give you the best ROI?

Or maybe it’s a question of discovering something else in the entire process around the tempering line that is not functioning quite the way you’d like it to be to give you the best ROI?

In a brand-new eBook, we share “The seven wastes in tempering”. This is a great approach for any manufacturing facility to take a look at what are the wastes around a flat glass tempering process.

The eBook helps you identify and measure the seven thieves that can be stealing your money and time – and lowering your overall ROI. By knowing what they are, you can control them, and more importantly, even minimize them.

The guidebook is a great read for anyone in glass processing.

It describes the missing link in tempering line ROI calculations. And gives you the tools and tips to help you start making improvements – immediately!

Once you’ve gone through this special eBook, you’ll be able to take your glass processing performance to the next level.

The seven wastes in tempering


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Über den Autor

Miika Äppelqvist

Encourages transparent solutions in buildings and ways of working. Seven years of experience from being a glass-man in product management, sales and projects with a focus on glass heat treatment. Believes helping is the best marketing any company can do. Father of two toddlers and a wannabe sportsman with an internal love of ice hockey.